Our process used for the Street Pole Banners in Corunna, Ontario
Client Idea
You're our inspiration!
Tell us about what you'd like, or provide us with a sketch or photo.
This artwork was provided by the client during a meeting to discuss specifications, etc. for the Street Pole Banner design.
Make it Work
Using your vision, we take the pieces and suggestions and make everything work together. Before we begin to digitize, we want to ensure that we're on the same page. Often, explanations are hard to visualize what the designer sees.
For a better visual, we provided a quick, rough sketch.
References and Vectors
Whether we shoot photos on location, or have access to a stock image, we use references to add realism.
In this case, we paid a visit on-site and photographed the lighthouse. A commercially free trillium image was found online. We illustrated the images digitally (vectorized).
Portions of the St. Clair Township logo were incorporated and a few other vector touches were added, along with a classic serif font.
The left, and bottom images were used as the final proof before press files were created. Banners are double sided.
The finished banner measures 14.5" x 35".